Kinds of computer and the benefits

If we talk about computer, we must familiar with the term of desktop. Desktop is the term which is used to screen, filled with icons that represent programs that are on your computer. It is different meaning if we talk about dekstop computer. Desktop computer is computer which is designed to be placed on the worktable. There are many kind of desktop computer. So if you have an idea of how much you spend your money on desktop, you have to ensure that what you get is exactly what you need.The different shapes and sizes, the wide range of configurations, and the seemingly constant arrival of new and faster technology can make you have a difficulty decision. Therefore back to your first aim to buy that is what is exactly that you need and of course this kind of computer have a larger capacity.

Another term of computer is notebook or more formerly known as the laptop. It has now become the goods which can not be separated from life. Higher mobility. Demand every perpetrator to prepare everything wherever and whenever. Not only from the businessman and the worker but has penetrated the University.The university provide Hotspot system to facilitate the students receive free internet service. Why people like to buy laptop than PC? Laptop is easy to carry anywhere, so we must keep well to avoid damage caused is rapid fall, from an impact etc.Since that easy reason, people tend to buy laptop than other kinds of computer.

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